As #Week2 of Mama Bee's Link Party is hosting a 'Culture' theme - I thought I'd give this a head start.
Theme: Food, Cooking, Culture, World, People, Language, Nature

Making a true Carbonara really comes down to a good quality pancetta or bacon (and not scrambling the eggs!) The flavour from the meat is where this dish comes alive. The eggs provide the creamy texture and plenty of black pepper is also used. If you like Parmigiano Reggiano (which is my favourite) Never did I understand the passion of pasta and different shapes, sauces and exactly what matched. When I lived in Italy it took a while to learn all of the different techniques (what was popular) and what was simple.
Typically Spaghetti is used in this dish however I used whole-wheat & oat animal shaped pasta for my son. He LOVED this which always makes me happy to see!
300g Spaghetti OR any pasta of your choice
3 Garlic cloves
40g Parmesan OR Cheddar Cheese (if not a fan)
3 eggs
Ground Black Pepper
(No salt as plenty in Bacon)
Firstly you will need to boil some water in a saucepan for your pasta. Meanwhile chop your bacon/pancetta into small sized squares. (Removing any rind that may be left).
Crack your 3 eggs into a bowl and beat them well. Season with plenty of fresh black pepper - really important as this works so well in the dish! You want to grate your cheese and mix with the egg mixture. Set aside.
Once your pan has hit boiling point, add your pasta and let it cook (until al dente).
(Meanwhile) start by cooking your Pancetta/bacon in a pan (no oil required) as this already contains fat/oil. Get your gloves of garlic and just bruise them (skin off) and add into the pan. With the Pancetta & garlic frying together this will really bring out lots of flavour and the pasta will soak this all up. (when your happy the garlic has infused all of its flavour, remove and discard. (Turn off the heat or else the next step will scramble!)
Your house should be smelling wonderful by this point!
Your pasta should be ready to drain, keep a little water as I learned from an Italian friend it is important as it also has flavour (so maybe 1-2 tablespoons).
Add the pasta to your pan with bacon and add your egg mixture. - The heat from the pasta will cook the eggs gently and create a glossy texture. (Keep mixing on a very low heat) - 3-4 minutes.
Top with a little more cheese if you prefer (I did without).
There you have it, a creamy Pasta Carbonara for all to enjoy.
I would love to hear your version of this dish!
Mama Bee Simple